Build the City

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You depart in the year 1473, when Mechelen could count itself as a world center of law, trade and entrepreneurship. During your exploration on foot, a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 12 practical tests are provided at Must Discover Places in the city center.

As the basis of your Team Challenge, you will receive a number of raw materials that you must increase through practical tests and your negotiation skills so that 1 winning team emerges as the strongest: the Hertogen van Mechelen.

These practical challenges and locations ensure a constant tension and are always varied in terms of location and type of assignment and can be called typical Mechelen.

General information

Minimum number of people: 20

Maximum number of people: 120

Languages spoken: Dutch, French and English

Limited access for wheelchair-users  

Duration of activity 

No closing period 

Possible: morning and afternoon


T +32 50 39 15 89 




Start: Grote Markt